Cars Forever!
I want to present you a beautiful collection for you to enjoy at the end of the week. This a great collection with photos that present amazing situation where a car could be. So, you better take care and learn from others!
1. “So, it is that important where you want to go?”
I don’t think is that important.
2. “Do you think we should wake this guy?”
I think it is better to let him sleep!
3. “I could bet on you that there is enough space for parking!”
I see that for you it’s enough!
4. “So, could you tell me if this is the right address?”
I think you are where you should be!
5. “Boss, I don’t think this is the right way to change tires!”
Boss, I think you should try another business!
6. “Honey, I feel that I forgot something… But, maybe it’s just a feeling!”
You surely forgot to take the gas hose out of your car!
7. “We do everything to stop the fire!”
I wonder if there wasn’t any choice!?!
Tags: cars, photos, collection, funny
mike Said,
December 13, 2007 @ 5:37 pm
Never suppose to block a hydrant
Alley Said,
December 13, 2007 @ 10:27 pm
they could have layed the hose over the back of the car easily though instead of that…it probably took longer
Matt Ellsworth Said,
December 14, 2007 @ 12:59 am
I love the fire hydrant one.
Chris Said,
December 16, 2007 @ 1:28 am
No they couldn’t have just layed it over the back of the car. Those hoses need to handle a LOT of water pressure and therefore can’t be kinked in the slightest. Look at the angle that they’d need to get at the hydrant… It’s the persons own fault for blocking the hydrant and making the best route for the hose, right through his car. Dumbass…