Thrust SSC
The title of “fastest car in the world†hasn’t resisted too long. And, of course we can talk and explain in many articles all about this. This one is about the series car that can be register and can circulate on public roads, but it’s no longer in production, which is powered by a internal combustion engine, a rocket model or one borrowed from a supersonic jet. Since 1997, the title for the fastest vehicle belongs to Thrust SSC, which surpassed the sound barrier: 1,241.727 km/h. The supersonic speed was hit thanks to a couple of 25,000 lb turbojet engines, produced by Rolls Royce, which develop 100,000 hp. Wow! That sure is amazing! Don’t you think? It is kind of unbelievable! Thrust SSC weighs 10 tones and has recorded the maximum speed in the Black Rock desert Nevada, USA on October 15, 1997. If we talk about an internal combustion engine, things are changing every year or maybe sooner. You all know that Brabus TKR is a super car powered with impressive performances, which will be a great rival for Bugatti Veyron. Those 1,005 hp permit it to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in just 1.67 seconds and reach a 434 km/h top speed. Fascinating world… the automobile world! 

Thrust SSC
Tags: cars, Thrust SSC, Barabus TKR, Bugatti Veyron, Rolls Royce, cars engines, performances, hp, weight, top speed
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